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Memorial Day May 30, 2006

Posted by RepublicanWitch in 101st Fighting Keyboardists!, Why we fight.
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I just wanted to share a little of my Memorial Day experience.

My son recently joined a local branch of the Civil Air Patrol, and  volunteered to march in the Memorial Day parade held in a very small town in the area.

We got there 2 hours early, and I was glad to see that people were already lining up.  Granted, the downtown is only 2 blocks long, but those 2 blocks were packed.  Everybody had their flags, with the little ones in strollers particularly enjoying them.

The local American Legion Post was represented, and the WWII veterans stood proudly and saluted as the flag passed, beginning the parade.  These men truly were "the greatest generation", and it saddens me that soon their memories and experiences will be lost to succeeding generations.  I am proud to say my Dad is a WWII vet, and is still healthy in mind and body at the age of 90.  Love you, Dad.

The Police and Fire Departments marched next, the Ambulance Corps, then the Civil Air Patrol, the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts.

Once everyone lined up, the opening prayer was recited, and "Taps" was played in memory of those who gave their lives defending our freedoms, and securing freedom for others around the world. 

"God Bless America" and "The Star-Spangled Banner" were sung by the crowd.  A few local politicians spoke, then a wreath was put at the memorial stone, and the closing prayer was said.

It was a beautiful ceremony, and I was just so proud to be American, I thought my heart would burst. 

Unfortunately, it seems that all we hear and see in the media are the negatives.  There were no T.V. cameras here, and no newspaper reporters. There were no protests, no issues with opening & closing prayers, "God Bless America" wasn't changed to "[Insert your diety of choice or choose none] sends good thoughts to America".  All we had in attendance were people who are proud of their country, and who wanted to say "Thank you" in a small way.

Thank you, to all those who serve in the military, and to those who have served.  Your sacrifices do not go unappreciated.

Oops… May 13, 2006

Posted by RepublicanWitch in 101st Fighting Keyboardists!.
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I've deleted the blogroll for the 101st Fighting Keyboardists, but only because WordPress does not allow the javascript which would allow the full blogroll to be displayed as it's updated – I can only post (I think) a dozen or so, and there are so many more.

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